Deep Learning Centre was established in 2018 in memory of Dada Deepchand Yadav, Deep Learning Centre is a charity which aims to provide high quality and low cost education to primary and secondary school students in Gurgaon via our Tuition Centres. By supporting our students in the subjects we improve school performance and results across the board. More importantly, highly developed literacy and numeracy skills also broaden life skills, expand learning horizons. The main motive behind creating the institute was to develop a friendly atmosphere in guiding the students for their better future prospects & overall development for all round success.
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जो आपने सीखा है उसे भूल जाने के बाद जो रह जाता है वो शिक्षा है.
-बी. ऍफ़. स्किन्नर
Location : F-124 Phase, 2, Dharam Colony, Palam Vihar Extension, Gurugram, Haryana 122017.
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Mobile : +91-9599020294